“Go Places”, a view book showcasing the 53 campuses of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system, is one of the hundreds of designs we have created for MnSCU. At that time, “Go Places” needed a boost. Even though their previous designs were working, they were looking for a new trajectory. For starters, we rebuilt the main engine by disassembling content from past issues, rearranging and refocussing information, introducing new elements (like punch out book marks) and giving it some air. Then we rebuilt the outer shell. We commissioned custom illustration for the cover so we could use elements from it throughout the rest of the book giving it the WOW factor we were all looking for.
Other projects for MnSCU included “Minnesota State” magazine, brochures, and legislative reports.
Contact us. We’ll help you launch your next project successfully into orbit!
Joy Yoshikawa