Having fun, doing good, looking back ...

In May 1978, Joy Yoshikawa and Pat Hayes sat together on Joy's porch and wrote three goals for our new communications firm. The Design Company was determined to ... "have fun, do good work, and make a profit" from day one. The odds, of course, were against the success of a women-owned small business, but over 40 years have passed; thousands of projects have been successfully completed; hundreds of satisfied clients, valued vendors and wonderful friends have been added to our history. Even though for many of those years we achieved only the first two goals, we never lost sight of our original priorities.

It is still our goal to continue having fun ... because you give us the opportunity to do what we enjoy; and beyond doing good work, our aim is also “doing good” ... by listening carefully to you and to the needs of our community.

... and moving forward.

Our third goal has evolved over time. Originally “Making a profit” was essential for staying viable, but then “Paying it forward” became far more important. “Moving forward” is now the next logical step. Looking to the future, we want to give back to our community in a variety of ways … first by adding talented, socially committed creatives to The Design Company freelance pool, as well as honoring our commitment to promote these individuals, our clients, and other like-minded contacts to the community at large. With that in mind, we would like to introduce Mimi Christikawa, our go-to web design subcontrator ... and our inaugural member of TDC2 ... The Design Company CONNECTION!

Our Story

Having fun.
Doing good.
Moving forward.

Joy Yoshikawa

Joy Yoshikawa

Pat Hayes Kaufman

Pat Hayes Kaufman

  • Expertise in print design and production, MS Office design and production, web design
  • Multiple pro bono services for a variety of metro nonprofits
  • Co-inventor of Snake Oil, a party game now being self-published by Snake Oil, LLC
Mimi Christikawa

Mimi Christikawa

  • Expertise in UI/UX Design and production, Marketing and Social Media; Qualitative & Quantitative Design Research; Accessibility
  • Multiple pro bono/volunteer services for Art from the Inside and Chicago Fair Trade
  • Board Member/Designer for Migrant Support Collective