Fifteen years ago our customer, PRI — Public Radio International, turned twenty. Next year, The Design Company will turn twenty — for the second time. So how does a company with “history” stay relevant? Being smart and resourceful is always relevant, especially as our customer base has shifted to the non-profit sector during our second score of years.
For PRI, we all wanted to do something special for their 20th anniversary but had to work within their normal budget. Developing a primary marketing tool as the basis for the annual report, we decided to create translucent cover wraps (for 02 and 03) with a one-color FY supplement each year to keep the financial information current and relevant. This allowed us to spread out their available resources — creating consecutive annual reports for 2 years on time and under budget.
Be smart. Contact us today for the kind of resourceful and responsible thinking that will keep your company relevant.
Joy Yoshikawa