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The Design Company ... getting ready

Having fun,
doing good work,
getting ready.

Getting ready for the holidays is always a daunting task. This was a great gift idea that gives twice … both to the recipient as a good read and to the Emergency Foodshelf Network where 100 percent of the book proceeds will fund 100,000 meals.

Author Roger Barr has been “getting ready” for 13 years to self-publish Getting Ready for Christmas & Other Stories, each year adding a new story to the collection (in addition to funding an estimated 30,000 meals over the years). Our design involvement to make the book “coffee table ready” was much shorter, but just as necessary and equally rewarding. We are proud to have been given the opportunity to contribute to this effort.

Remember: Getting is good; giving … even better.

Contact us. Get ready to be amazed.

Pat Hayes Kaufman